Retail clearance items are available in-store only. All items are NEW but unsold inventory we need to move to make room for new inventory. Please contact us via email or telephone at 334-5414 if you are interested in any item below and we will be set the item(s) aside with your name on them! Click here for a printable PDF document of Retail Clearance items.
| APS (Advantix / Advanced Photo System) cartridge and index storage boxes. $3.00 each or all 6 for $20.00 |
| Pioneer 3.5x5 slip-in-pocket photo albums in navy blue, burgandy or green. Each holds 108 photos. Albums are Xpando style so refill pages are available. $4.00 each or 3 for $10 |
| Wedding style photo albums - each holds 200-4x6 photos; there are 4 different covers (Happily Ever After, Our Wedding with champagne glasses, Love-Wedding-Vows, and Our Wedding with gown & tux). $5.00 each or all 4 for $15. |
| Panoramic Photo albums - 3 available, burgandy, maroon hard cover. $2.00 each or all three for $4.50 |
| Pioneer 5x5 proof photo albums. 2 available in white. |