Have old photos you would like restored? Have damaged photos you would like made new again? We have several techniques to "fix" your photograph! We will do a high resolution scan of the image and digitally restore it to its original vibrance.
Levels of Restoration
There are three levels of photo restoration - light, medium and heavy - depending upon the severity of the damage or deterioration. The table below is a guide to the levels of photo restoration. Please note, this is only a guide - we will provde a custom quote based on your picture when you bring it to the store for evaluation.
Light Restoration $25Light restoration includes photo enhancements that fix lighting, skin blemishes or marks, liquid marks, or light scratches. |
Medium Restoration $45Medium restoration includes heavier scratches that cover more than 1 person in a photograph, torn photographs, incomplete sides to an image or missing features. |
Heavy Restoration $60Heavy restoration includes fixing photographs with major damage where the damage covers more than 3/4 of the photograph or includes more than one subject in the photograph. |